Bathroom Scales Basics

Posted by Team Salter on 19th Jun 2024

Bathroom Scales Basics

A quick search online for new bathroom scales can leave your head spinning. From finding a set that matches your decor to one that will provide you with all the information you need. Salter has a range of Bathroom Scales that not only measure your weight but provide details of your body composition, giving you a more accurate picture of your overall health and fitness.

We interviewed our in-house expert to answer a few of your queries.


When you are considering purchasing a new Bathroom Scale you have four options to choose from:

  • Mechanical
  • Digital
  • Analyser
  • Bluetooth Connected (Smart)


Mechanical Bathroom Scales are the most straightforward way to monitor your weight. They require no batteries, little or no setup and will last years. They are good for measuring weight only and do not display body

composition measurements such as Body Fat or Body Water.

A typical mechanical scale may have a maximum capacity of 21st (136kg) and graduations of 1lb (1kg). Whereas digital scales typically have a maximum capacity of 31st 8lb (200kg) and graduations of 1/4lb (0.1kg). A digital scale will weigh a higher capacity more precisely. With a mechanical scale, you will struggle to see small weight changes.

If you monitor your weight once a month, irregularly or don’t require precise measurements, a Mechanical Bathroom Scale might be the right choice for you.


Salter Digital bathroom scales

Digital Bathroom Scales are very simple to use as they display weight only. They come equipped with an easy to read display and typically have graduations of 1/4lb (0.1kg), while some models may be as precise as 1/8lb (0.05kg). This means they are 10 to 20 times more accurate than a mechanical scale and have higher maximum capacities (up to 39st 6lb (250kg)).

With these scales, you can easily choose your preferred units of st, kg or lb. Depending on the model you choose, some can show the difference between your current weight and your previous weight, so you don't have to do the maths yourself! If you're weighing yourself regularly (more than once a week) and want to see changes in detail, Digital Bathroom Scales might be the right choice.


Analyser Bathroom Scales use Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) to measure weight and impedance. Measurements an analyser can show you include Weight, Body Fat %, Body Water %, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, BMI, and BMR.

Understanding your body composition gives a more accurate measure of your overall health and fitness than weight alone. You may go to the gym and be disappointed to find your weight has increased. However, this may be because you are gaining muscle and losing fat, meaning the overall composition of your body has changed.

If you are starting a new diet or exercise regime and want a more detailed picture of your body composition, an Analyser Scale might be for you.


Smart Bathroom Scales provide the same information as an analyser and will send your results via Bluetooth to your smartphone or tablet. With handy graphs and stats available in apps, this allows you to easily track changes to your body composition and compare your measurements with healthy/recommended ranges. This provides you with a much better picture of your overall health and fitness. It is normal for your weight and body composition to vary throughout the day depending on when, for example, you last ate or drank.

Taking a single reading gives a snapshot only. It is only through monitoring measurements over time where you can see the benefits of your lifestyle choices. If you are making healthy choices, a smart scale can show you the effects of this and keep you motivated. If you want to have the most detailed picture of your health and fitness, a Smart Bathroom Scale would be perfect for you.

Is there a difference between a Body Analyser Scale and a BMI Scale?

Body Mass Index or BMI is just one of the measurements an analyser scale can monitor, however, it does not use BIA. BMI is an index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity by medical professionals. It is a good indication of if you are a healthy weight however it is not perfect.

Imagine a rugby player or a bodybuilder. They may have a very high Muscle Mass %, a high weight and therefore a high BMI. Their BMI reading may say they are obese, however, in reality, they are extremely physically fit athletes. Now imagine a marathon runner. They may be very lean, have a low weight and therefore a low BMI. Their BMI reading may say they are underweight, however, in reality, they are extremely physically fit athletes.

Despite these extremes for most people, BMI is a good indication of a healthy weight for height and it is a medically accepted guideline. Body Analyser scales use BIA to measure weight and impedance. From this, the quantity of fat, water, muscle mass etc. can then be estimated.

Understanding your body composition gives a more accurate measure of your overall health and fitness than weight alone and BMI alone.

Salter MiBody

How can I track my progress with the MiBody App?

The Salter MiBody Scales will transmit your results via Bluetooth to your smartphone or tablet. Trends can be tracked, and measurements explained with healthy/recommended ranges. This gives a much better picture of your overall health and fitness. It is quite normal for your weight and body composition to vary throughout the day depending on when, for example, you last ate or drank. If you can see over a period of several months your weight is gradually increasing you may wish to change something in your diet or exercise plan to prevent it from continuing to rise. Equally, if you are making healthy choices, the MiBody App can show you just how far you have come and keeps you motivated. You can also track Blood Pressure and Body Measurements. This can allow you to see not only that you have lost 1st and 3% Body Fat but also that your waist has decreased by 2 inches. Tracking these changes can keep you motivated and highlight areas where you can tailor your diet or exercise plan towards.

In the day and age of technology, why should I go for Mechanical Scales?

Mechanical Bathroom Scales are the simplest way to monitor your weight. They require no batteries, little or no setup and will last for years. You will find they have lower maximum capacities than digital scales as they are limited by the size of the dial.

Because of this, with a Mechanical Bathroom Scale you will struggle to see small changes in weight as they usually have graduations of 1 lb (1kg).