Mini Toad in the Hole Recipe

Made easily in our Carbon Steel Muffin Tray mini-toad-in-the-hole-.png


For the Yorkshire puddings
12 chipolata sausages, halved
2 tbsp sunflower oil
3 eggs
145g plain flour
1⁄2 tsp mustard powder (optional)
150ml milk

For the gravy
3 tbsp red onion marmalade
1 tsp mustard powder
500ml gravy made with gravy granules and boiling water
small splash of soy sauce


Step one: heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 6.
Step two: cut each sausage in half and place two halves in each hole of your muffin tins. Drizzle each set of sausages with a little oil. Place the tins in the oven for 20 mins until the sausages have browned.
Step three: crack your eggs into a bowl and mix to combine.
Step four: measure 150g flour in a measuring jug and tip into a bowl with the mustard powder. Make a well in the centre and beat in the eggs.
Step five: gradually pour the milk into the batter, whisking well between each addition until you have a mix that is the consistency of double cream. Season. Pour the batter back into the jug.
Step six: remove the sausages from the oven and place on a heatproof surface. Pour the batter over the sausages and place back in the oven for 15 minutes until risen and golden.
Step seven: combine gravy ingredients and pour over mini toad in the holes to serve. Enjoy!