White Chocolate and Strawberry Panna Cotta Recipe

Serves 2


1.5 Gelatine leaves
125ml milk
125ml single cream
50g white chocolate
15g sugar
1 vanilla pod
Mint leaves, to garnish

For the sauce:
80g sugar
80ml water
170g strawberries


Step 1: Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water until soft. Squeeze the water out of the leaves once soft.
Step 2: Split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds and melt the white chocolate.
Step 3: In a saucepan on medium heat, add the milk, cream, sugar, melted chocolate vanilla pod and seeds. Once simmering, remove the vanilla pod and add the gelatine leaves, stirring until the gelatine has dissolved.
Step 4: Divide the mixture between two ramekins and let cool. Refrigerate for at least an hour, until the mixture is set.
Step 5: To make the strawberry sauce, add the sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
Step 6: Add the strawberries to the mixture, saving a couple for garnishing and blend together until smooth.

To serve, turn the panna cotta out on to a serving plate and top them with the sauce, garnish with the remaining strawberries and top with a mint leaf. 

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