Easy Frittata Recipe

Perfect in our Frying Pans


6 eggs
175g vegetables- e.g., peppers, onions, mushrooms, courgettes, broccoli, potatoes
30g grated cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste
50g pre-cooked meat (optional) - e.g., leftover roast chicken, cooked ham, cooked bacon


Step 1: Whisk the eggs together until they are well-combined
Step 2: Add the vegetables, cheese, and meat to the eggs and fold together, then season with salt and pepper
Step 3: Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a medium sized frying pan
and swirl the oil to coat the pan. Once hot, add the egg mixture and cook until the edges are set
Step 4: Push the edges of the egg mixture into the middle to form curds, then leave to sit until edges are set again
Step 5: On a low heat, cook the eggs through, occasionally lifting the frittata and tilting the pan to let the uncooked eggs come to the side
Step 6: Flip the frittata over onto a plate, heat up another tbsp oil and slide the frittata back in, ensuring that the cooked side is now facing up, then cook for about 3 minutes until fully set
Step 7: Slice the frittata into wedges and serve

Tip: Can be served hot or cold, making it the perfect recipe to cook for dinner and take the leftovers for lunch the next day.