Lamb Rump Steak with red wine and mint Jus 
220g Lamb rump steak
100g Butternut squash
60g Fine beans
300ml Lamb or Beef stock
150ml red wine
7g fresh mint
Sprig rosemary
10g nibbed or crushed hazelnuts
10g salted butter
Step 1: Plug in and switch on the air fryer at the mains power supply. Choose the air fryer option, and set the temperature to 190°C.
Step 2: reduce the red wine in a saucepan on the stove until nearly all the liquid has evaporated. Add the meat stock and put on a high heat to reduce again.
Step 3: Peel the butternut squash, and slice off 3x 1cm thick slices from the seedless top part of the squash.
Step 4: Top and tail the fine beans, coat in a little oil and sprinkle the chopped nuts over them.
Stem 5: chop the rosemary and rub into the lamb flesh with olive oil and seasoning.
Step 6: Place the butternut squash in the fryer compartment and cook for 6 minutes.
Step 7: Turn the squash over, and place the lamb in the compartment next to the squash. Cook for a further 5 minutes.
Step 8: Place the fine beans in the compartment and cook everything for a final 4 minutes, until the beans are starting to brown.
Step 9: When the stock has reduced to a thicker consistency, add the cold butter in small pieces whisking continuously. When all the butter has been emulsified into the stock, add the chopped mint leaves.
Step 10: Serve