Mini Strawberry Tartsdscf9715.jpeg

Recipe by @beckbitesback
Recipe makes 4 tarts


For the pastry:
4 tbsp smooth cashew butter
4 heaped tbsp flour 
2 tbsp sugar 
Pinch salt 
3-4 tbsp water - you want to use as little as possible to get a pastry 
For the filling:
180g plain cream cheese
2-3 tbsp maple syrup or icing sugar 
1 tsp vanilla extract
For the topping:
16 small strawberries 
1 tbsp honey or sugar syrup 


Step 1: For the pastry, mix the cashew butter, flour, sugar, a pinch of salt with a spoon. Use your fingertips to rub the ingredients together, until you’re left with the consistency of breadcrumbs.
Step 2: Once you have the texture of breadcrumbs, add 1 tbsp water at a time, working the mixture together with your hands, until you have a dough that’s crumbly, but comes together well. 
Step 3: Preheat your oven to 180°C. 
Step 4: Split your dough into 4, then press into each hole of a muffin tray. 
Step 5: Press down, leaving the pastry at about 1/2cm thickness at the base , and around the edges. 
Step 6: Prick the base of all 4 pastry cups with a fork, then bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the pastry has started to turn golden brown and crisped up. 
Step 7: Whilst the pastry bakes, mix the cream cheese, sugar/ syrup and vanilla in a bowl, until smooth. Adjust to taste, then set aside. 
Step 8: Remove your pastry cases from the oven, and leave to cool for 5-10 minutes before removing from the tin. 
Step 9: Add 1 tsp the cream cheese mixture to the centre of each case, then smooth out. 
Step 10: Slice the tops off all the strawberries, then leave 4 whole, and slice the rest in half, flat side down. 
Step 11: Add 1 strawberry to the centre of each pastry, then place 5 of the strawberry halves round the edge of that strawberry, so the whole base is covered. 

Brush honey or sugar syrup over each strawberry and serve.