Muffin’ Compares to a Day of Baking!

Posted by Team Salter on 19th Jun 2024

Muffin’ Compares to a Day of Baking!

May 17th marks World Baking Day so here at Salter we thought what better way to celebrate than to showcase our must-have baking accessories as well as share some of our favourite recipes that are guaranteed to be a success. Regardless of if you’re a novice in the baking department or have skills to rival those of Mary Berry, we’ve gathered everything you need to ensure a successful World Baking Day all in one place.

Biscoff Cheesecake

Have you hopped on the Lotus Biscoff trend this year and can’t seem to get enough? Then look no further than our easy Biscoff cheesecake recipe.

To start off with you’ll need to weigh out 250g of Biscoff biscuits as well as 115g of melted salted butter. We recommend using our Salter Disc  Digital kitchen scales for the best accuracy - with the add & weigh function, it means you can measure both the biscuits and butter in the same bowl - simply zero the scales once you’ve measured one ingredient and begin to measure the next one.

Once you’ve combined your butter and biscuits, press the mixture into the bottom of our Salter  metallic non-stick spring form pan and allow it to chill in the fridge whilst you’re starting on your filling. Again, using the same set of Salter disc scales, measure out 450g of cream cheese, 250ml of double cream and 200g of melted Biscoff spread.

When all your ingredients are measured out, take your Salter Whisk and Blend Pro and begin mixing until the filling forms a thick consistency. We recommend using the whisk attachment from the blend and whisk pro but both either will work. Once your filling has reached the ideal consistency, simply place on top of your biscuit base and put back in the fridge to set.

When you’re ready to serve, simply release the lock on your Salter spring form baking tin and the outer case will release straight away thanks to the non-stick coating, then finish your Lotus Biscoff cheesecake off with more biscuits as decoration and enjoy!

Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins are a fool proof way to help celebrate World Baking Day this year, so we’ve included our favourite recipe for easy blueberry muffins for you to attempt.


100g butter

100g caster sugar

2 large eggs, beaten

300g self-rising flour

1tsp vanilla extract

140ml milk

1tsp baking powder

150g fresh or dried blueberries

Taking your Salter Disc Digital Kitchen scales again, begin with weighing out your butter and sugar then mix together with the whisk attachment on our Salter Blend and Whisk Pro. Gradually add the remaining ingredients and combine together with the Salter Blend and Whisk Pro - be sure to add the blueberries last to avoid crushing them!

Once your muffin mixture is ready, spoon into muffin cases in our  Salter Carbon Steel 6 Cup muffin pan and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Tip - Use one of our handy Salter loud digital timers so you can relax while your muffins are baking and simply take them out once your timer is done.

Easy Vanilla Tray bake

If you’re looking for an easy baking win this year, look no further than a classic vanilla tray bake. With homage to the classic primary school dessert of vanilla sponge covered in icing and sprinkles, it’s a classic dessert and sure to be a hit with everyone.

We recommend using the square tin from one of our Bakeware Sets but if you’re looking to feed a crowd, simply double the recipe and opt to use the roasting tin instead for a larger cake. With an innovative non-stick inner, coating there’s no need to use baking paper on these tins - simply cover the tins in a light layer of oil or butter before baking to ensure they glide right out.

For the cake, we recommend using our Salter Dual scales to weigh out the below ingredients and combine using our  Salter Cosmos hand blender, with five speed settings you can combine your ingredients in no time for perfectly smooth cake batter.

  • 250 g Self-Raising Flour
  • 250 g Caster Sugar
  • 250 g Margarine (room temperature)
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla

Set a timer for around 25-30 minutes using our Salter loud digital timer and then get to work on your icing. In a bowl weigh out and combine 200g of icing sugar with 90ml of water until you have a runny consistency. Once your cake is out of the oven and cooled down, pour the icing on top and for your cake decorations, we recommend traditional sprinkles for that classic old school cake look.