Cheesy Bean Pie Recipe

Recipe by @beckbitesback

Made in our Deep Fill Pie Maker 


For the Pastry
150g butter, straight out of the fridge (needs to be cold)
250g flour
1/2 tsp salt
40ml cold water

For the Pie Filling
1 tin beans - 400g
2 handfuls grated cheese of choice


Step 1: Make your pastry - weigh out your butter, cut into 1-2cm cubed chunks.
Step 2: Weigh out your flour into a bowl, add the salt, then add the chilled cubes of butter and start to rub into the flour with your fingertips.
Step 3: Continue to rub the butter into the flour until you achieve a mixture that resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Step 4: Add your 40ml cold water, mix through with a knife, then start to press the mixture into a ball of dough.
Step 5: Put your dough ball on a floured surface, and knead for about a minute - I did this so the end result wasn’t too short and crumbly.
Step 6: Start to roll your dough out, rotating it at 90°, to give you a rectangle sheet - if you need to sprinkle more flour over, do - this will stop the pastry sticking to anything.
Step 7: Roll until the dough is about 3-4mm thick.
Step 8: Using a knife, slice a rectangle out of the dough, that's big enough to cover your pie maker.
Step 9: Press your sheet of dough into your pie maker, then add in your beans too fill it 1/2 full, then sprinkle with your cheese, season, and top with 1-2 more tbsp beans.
Step 10: Cut out another sheet of dough, that will cover the top of your pie (you want it to be just bigger than the circumference of your pie, so you can press it around the edges.
Step 11: Press the pastry sheets together, to ensure none of the filling escapes, then make a couple of scores in the top of your pie - don't cut too far down, as the filling will flow out the top.
Step 12: Brush the top with a sparing amount of milk/egg wash.
Step 13: Close your pie maker and allow to cook for 20-25 mins, until golden brown on the top.
Step 14: Remove cooked pies from the pie maker. Leave to rest for 3-4 mins, then serve with salad, or mash.