Quick Pizza Dough Recipe

The perfect base for any pizza made in our EK4923 Pizza Oven quick-pizza-dough.jpg


500g strong white flour
350g water
15g fine sea salt
0.3g dried instant yeast


Step 1: Warm the water to approx. 38°C and dissolve the sea salt into it, then add the yeast, rest for 1 minute and stir until the yeast is dissolved.
Step 2: Add this mixture to the flour and mix together by hand (or for a quicker method, use a stand mixer or hand whisk with dough hooks). If preparing by hand, squeeze the chunks of dough using your thumb and fingertips to reduce the size of them.
Step 3: Fold the dough over itself 2 to 3 times by stretching and folding it.
Step 4: Allow the dough to rest for 20 minutes then knead it on a floured surface, then place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover with an airtight lid and leave to prove for 1 ½ hours at room temperature.
Step 5: On a floured surface, divide the mixture and shape into equal sized balls, then place on a baking sheet, cover, and leave to prove for 4 hours.

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