Loaded Mexican Omelette Recipe

Omelettes made easy in our EK2716 Omelette Maker mexican-omelette.jpg


2 eggs
100g black beans, tinned or otherwise pre-cooked
50g cheddar cheese, grated
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
½ small onion, chopped
½ avocado, diced
½ tomato, diced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Sour cream, to serve
Spray oil


Step 1: Preheat the omelette maker.
Step 2: In a bowl, beat the two eggs and season with salt and pepper.
Step 3: Stir in the cheese, leaving a small amount to garnish.
Step 4: Once the indicator light has switched off, pour the omelette mixture evenly between the two non-stick cooking plates.
Step 5: Close the lid and cook for approximately 6-8 minutes until fluffy.
Step 6: Whilst the omelette is cooking, lightly cook the jalapeno peppers and onions in a frying pan for approximately 5 minutes until soft.
Step 7: Add the black beans and tomatoes and heat through.
Step 8: Stir in the avocado.
Step 9: Serve the omelette and pour the black beans and tomato mixture over the top.
Step 10: Add sour cream and a sprinkle of the remaining grated cheese.

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