How To Properly Measure Your Blood Pressure at Home

Posted by Team Salter on 19th Jun 2024

How to Properly Measure Your Blood Pressure at Home We know how important it is to stay informed about our health and it can feel incredibly empowering to know our bodies, inside and out. Staying on top of your health can help prepare you if something were to go wrong. However, with doctors under an immense amount of pressure, it can be difficult to get an appointment when checking something as simple as your blood pressure. Here at Salter, we want to give you the powe …
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Get University Essentials Packed & Ready To Go

Posted by Team Salter on 19th Jun 2024

Whether you’re coming to university for the first time, or coming back from a long summer at home, it’s time to start planning your essential checklist and making sure you have everything you need. Deciding what to take can be difficult, especially if you’re a first-year student. Here at Salter we want to make packing for uni simple and have included our  top picks for your essentials. Cooking Essentials Whether you’re living away from home for the first time, spent a year …
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Kitchen Timers Guide

Posted by Team Salter on 19th Jun 2024

Kitchen Timers Guide It’s about Time(rs) Thinking about buying a new kitchen timer? You’ve come to the right place. Whilst some may use their phones, many home cooks will still agree a kitchen timer is an essential tool. From saving your sponges from burning and helping you stay on top of your Sunday Roast, our timers are easy to use and are loud enough you can hear no matter where you are in the house - and it won't matter if they get covered in flour or batter unlike your phone. Pres …
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